Carrying a concealed weapon is a topic surrounded by numerous misconceptions and myths.
It is often difficult for people to separate fact from fiction, leading to unnecessary fear and confusion.
In order to promote a better understanding of this practice, it is essential to debunk some of the most commonly propagated myths.
These misconceptions range from the effectiveness of concealed carry laws to the behavior of permit holders.
The following discussion aims to clear up some of these misunderstandings, relying on facts and evidence to shed light on the truth about concealed carry.
By dispelling these myths, we can foster a more informed and honest conversation about this important matter.
Myth 1: Concealed Carry Increases Crime
One common misconception surrounding concealed carry is the belief that it contributes to an increase in crime rates.
This myth is not supported by the available evidence.
In fact, many studies have shown that states with “shall issue” laws, which allow private citizens to carry concealed weapons, have lower rates of violent crime on average.
According to the Cato Institute, states with “shall issue” laws have a 24% lower violent crime rate, a 19% lower murder rate, and a 39% lower robbery rate. These statistics suggest that there is no link between increased concealed carry and higher crime rates.
Additionally, a Second Amendment Foundation publication provides evidence debunking the myth that concealed carry encourages crime.
The report highlights numerous claims associating concealed carry with increased crime rates, along with the factual evidence and research that disprove these claims.
Myth 2: Only Criminals Carry Concealed Weapons
It’s a common misconception that only criminals choose to carry concealed weapons.
However, this couldn’t be further from the truth.
Many law-abiding citizens, who wish to protect themselves and their families, obtain concealed carry permits and carry firearms for personal protection.
These individuals typically undergo background checks and firearms training to ensure they are responsible and knowledgeable about gun safety.
Concealed carry permit holders have been found to be even more law-abiding than the general population.
According to a Heritage Foundation study, concealed-carry permit holders have lower crime rates than the general public, demonstrating that they are not the criminals often portrayed by this myth.
Another contributing factor to the misconception may be the media’s focus on instances of gun violence perpetrated by criminals, while incidents where a concealed carry holder successfully defended themselves or others often go unreported or underreported.
This skewed representation can lead the public to mistakenly believe that only criminals would carry concealed firearms.
It’s essential to remember that the purpose of concealed carry is to empower responsible citizens to protect themselves, their families, and others when faced with a potential threat.
Disregarding this myth helps ensure a fair and accurate understanding of the right to carry concealed weapons.
Myth 3: Concealed Carry Permits Are Easy to Obtain
Many people believe that obtaining a concealed carry permit is a quick and easy process, but this is far from the truth.
The requirements for obtaining a permit vary significantly between states, and the process can be quite complex and time-consuming.
Some states have strict regulations surrounding concealed carry permits, including mandatory firearms training, background checks, and even personal references from non-family members.
For example, in states with “may-issue” policies, authorities have the discretion to issue concealed carry permits based on an individual’s qualifications, while “shall-issue” states must provide permits if applicants meet the necessary criteria.
Additionally, some states require permit holders to undergo periodic training and firearms courses to maintain their permit, further complicating the overall process of obtaining and maintaining a concealed carry permit.
There’s also a misconception that a single concealed carry permit is valid across all states.
However, permit reciprocity varies between states, and some jurisdictions may not recognize permits from other states.
This means that concealed carry permit holders need to be aware of the different regulations and permit recognition policies when traveling with their firearm.
Myth 4: Concealed Carry Increases Accidental Shootings
One common belief is that allowing people to carry concealed firearms will lead to a significant increase in accidental shootings.
This notion stems from the concern that an increase in the number of individuals carrying concealed firearms will result in a higher chance of firearms being mishandled or discharged unintentionally.
However, the evidence does not support this claim. Concealed carry permit holders are generally more law-abiding and responsible with their firearms than the average person.
This is not surprising, as most states require permit applicants to undergo background checks and firearms safety training before they can obtain a concealed carry permit.
Moreover, accidental shootings make up a relatively small percentage of overall gun-related incidents.
Data suggests that the rates of accidental shootings have actually been on a steady decline over the past few decades.
It’s essential to remember that responsible gun ownership and proper firearms training play a crucial role in avoiding accidental shootings.
The decreasing rates of accidental shootings can be attributed to better education, stricter safety regulations, and a greater emphasis on responsible gun ownership.
Myth 5: Gun-Free Zones Offer Adequate Protection

One common misconception surrounding concealed carry is that gun-free zones provide sufficient protection to their occupants.
Many people believe that by declaring an area a “gun-free zone,” criminals and mass shooters will be deterred from using firearms in those locations.
However, this belief is not backed by solid evidence.
In fact, research suggests that mass shooters do not specifically target gun-free zones.
Many shootings actually occur in locations where firearms are allowed.
Additionally, the mere presence of a gun-free zone sign may not be enough to deter a determined criminal, as they often have no regard for the law.
While gun-free zones can create a sense of security for some individuals, it is crucial to understand that they alone cannot guarantee the safety of everyone within their boundaries.
Personal security measures such as situational awareness, having an escape plan, and being knowledgeable about self-defense techniques are important to consider in addition to relying on gun-free zones.
Myth 6: Concealed Carry Weapons Are a Threat to Police
One common misconception is that concealed carry weapons (CCWs) pose a significant danger to law enforcement officers.
This myth arises from the idea that individuals with concealed firearms might be more likely to use their weapon in a confrontation with the police, or that police will have a harder time identifying legitimate threats in situations where multiple people are armed.

However, the truth is that concealed carry permit holders tend to be law-abiding citizens with a respect for firearms safety and the rule of law.
Studies have shown that concealed carry permit holders are less likely to commit crimes than the general population.
Furthermore, in many reported cases involving concealed carry permit holders and law enforcement, the permit holders have been found to assist the police instead of posing a threat.
Police officers receive extensive training in evaluating threats and managing armed individuals, including those who are lawfully carrying concealed firearms.
They are taught how to handle situations where a weapon is present and how to give proper commands to armed citizens to ensure that a potentially volatile situation remains under control.
Another point to consider is that concealed carry laws often require permit holders to undergo training and background checks to ensure they are knowledgeable and responsible gun owners.
This process helps ensure that individuals who carry concealed weapons are even more knowledgeable about firearm safety and legal concerns than the average gun owner.
Myth 7: Concealed Carriers Lack Sufficient Training
One common misconception is that individuals who carry concealed weapons do not have adequate training or knowledge to handle their firearms responsibly.
While it is true that some states do not require a permit or training to carry concealed, many states do have such requirements in place.
In fact, numerous state laws mandate that concealed carriers show proof of basic gun-skills training before they are granted a permit.
This ensures that they are knowledgeable about gun safety and handling procedures, and how to use the weapon effectively in a self-defense situation.
FindLaw highlights that training is a common requirement in many jurisdictions.
These training courses often cover topics such as gun maintenance, proper storage, ammunition selection, and safe gun handling practices.
Additionally, students are typically taught the importance of using their firearm as a last resort, as well as understanding the legal ramifications of using a firearm in self-defense situations.
It’s crucial to remember that even if your state doesn’t require training, it’s always a good idea for concealed carriers to seek education to ensure their own safety and the safety of those around them.
Ultimately, the responsibility lies with the individual gun owner to obtain proper training and maintain their skills.
Myth 8: The Majority of People Disapprove of Concealed Carry
One common myth surrounding concealed carry is that the majority of people disapprove of it.
This is not entirely accurate, as opinions on concealed carry can vary greatly depending on factors such as geographical location, political affiliation, and personal beliefs.
A Pew Research Center survey showed that 54% of participants favored the right to have some kind of gun, including for concealed carry purposes.
However, opinions differ along political lines, with 86% of Republicans and 31% of Democrats supporting concealed carry rights.
Despite these differences, some people still view concealed carry as necessary for personal protection.
It is essential to understand that public opinion is diverse and that this myth may be the result of various factors, not a simple majority disapproval.
Myth 9: Concealed Carry Holders Cause Mass Shootings
One common myth is that concealed carry holders are more likely to cause mass shootings. However, this assumption is not supported by the facts.
Concealed carry permit holders undergo background checks and receive training to ensure they understand the responsibilities and safety measures associated with carrying a concealed firearm.
In fact, a study cited by Gun Facts showed that concealed carry permit holders are generally more law-abiding than the general population.
Contrary to the myth, there are numerous cases where concealed carry holders have intervened to stop mass shootings, potentially saving lives.
These instances demonstrate the role that responsible concealed carriers can play in protecting the public from active shooter situations.
While no system is perfect, it’s crucial to remember that the overwhelming majority of people who obtain a concealed carry permit do so out of a desire for personal safety and protection.
Rather than causing mass shootings, concealed carry permit holders are more likely to act as a deterrent to would-be criminals and mass shooters.
Myth 10: You Don’t Need a Gun for Self-Defense
Some people believe that alternative methods of self-defense, such as martial arts or pepper spray, are sufficient for personal protection.
While these methods can be helpful, they may not always be effective in stopping an attacker.
Crime rates involving gun owners with carry permits have consistently been lower than those without.
It’s essential to remember that self-defense situations are unpredictable, and there are no guarantees of safety.
A firearm may serve as a deterrent or a means of equalizing the situation, especially when faced with a stronger, armed assailant.
Although many people with concealed carry permits never have to use their weapons, having the option can provide peace of mind.
When deciding on the best means of self-defense, personal preferences, situation, and training should be considered.
Firearms can be a valuable tool in self-defense, but individuals must commit to consistent training and practice to ensure they can use their firearms safely and effectively.
In summary, misconceptions about concealed carry can create confusion and perpetuate misinformation.
By addressing these myths, we can foster a more informed and accurate understanding of this subject.
Throughout this article, we’ve debunked a number of common myths, such as the necessity of a manual safety and the belief that a permit allows for carrying a firearm anywhere without restrictions.
Awareness of the reality behind these misconceptions is crucial for responsible gun ownership and safe practices.
Furthermore, we’ve examined the impact of right-to-carry laws on violent crime rates, as discussed in studies cited by American Progress.
The importance of understanding the limitations of these laws and their implications cannot be overstated.
Ultimately, educating oneself on concealed carry – including legislation, safety measures, and best practices – is essential for maintaining safety, respecting the rights of others, and ensuring responsible gun ownership.