Can I Store Ammo in the Garage? Safety and Storage Tips

ammo stored in a garage on a shelf

Storing ammunition safely is crucial for gun owners, as it ensures that ammo remains in good condition and is ready for use when needed.

One storage location often considered is the garage, but many wonder if that’s a good idea or if it presents any potential risks.

When it comes to storing ammo in the garage, the answer is yes, it can be done, but it must be done right.

Proper storage conditions must be met in order to preserve the integrity of the ammunition and prevent any possible hazards.

In this article, we will explore factors to consider when storing ammunition in a garage and provide recommendations for doing so safely and effectively.

Storing Ammo Basics

Ideal Conditions for Storage

When it comes to storing ammunition, the key is maintaining a stable environment to prevent damage and deterioration.

An optimal storage location should have the following properties:

  • Low humidity: High humidity can cause corrosion of both brass cases and copper projectiles, leading to potential failures and misfires.
  • Temperature control: Store your ammo in an area where temperatures remain relatively stable and do not fluctuate widely.
  • Avoid direct sunlight: UV rays can damage the propellant chemicals and lead to degradation over time. Garages as well as indoor storage locations such as closets, pantries, and basements provide protection from UV rays.

Potential Risks

Storing ammunition in the garage can expose it to various risks, making it a less-than-ideal storage location.

Some of these risks include:

  • Changes in temperature: Garages often lack insulation and temperature control, leading to rapid changes in temperature within a short period. This can negatively impact the ammunition’s performance.
  • High humidity: Garages may have higher humidity levels than other areas of your home, which can lead to corrosion and damage to your ammunition.
  • Exposure to sunlight: Garages sometimes have windows or open doors, increasing the chance of direct sunlight exposure to your ammunition.

In conclusion, considering these risks and the fact that garages typically do not provide the ideal environment for ammo storage, it is best to explore alternative options such as closets, pantries, or basements to store your ammunition safely.

Garage Storage Factors

Temperature and Humidity

Storing ammunition in a garage can expose it to temperature fluctuations and humidity, which negatively impact the longevity and performance of the ammo.

Ideally, ammunition should be stored in a cool, dry environment.

Garages, especially if they’re not climate-controlled, can expose ammunition to extreme heat, cold, and moisture, which may lead to corrosion.

Security and Accessibility

Another important factor to consider when storing ammo in a garage is security and accessibility.

Proper storage should include a locked container, such as a cabinet or safe, to prevent unauthorized access to your ammunition.

Additionally, it’s recommended to store your ammo on high shelves or in cabinets to minimize the risk of flooding damage.

Pests and Rodents

Pests and rodents can create a problem for ammunition stored in a garage.

They might damage the containers or packaging and even compromise the ammo itself.

In order to protect your ammunition from pests and rodents, it’s a good idea to employ the use of sealed, waterproof containers, preferably ones that are rodent-resistant.

In conclusion, storing ammo in the garage is generally not recommended, but can be done if addressed properly.

It’s best to find a more suitable, climate-controlled location in your home for ammunition storage.

Ammo Storage Solutions

Storing ammunition in the garage is possible, but it requires proper storage solutions to mitigate issues related to moisture, temperature fluctuations, and general organization.

Ammo Cans and Containers

Ammo cans and containers play a crucial role in keeping your ammunition safe and functional for an extended period.

These containers should be airtight to protect your ammo from moisture and humidity.

A good practice is to store ammunition in sealed plastic bags or vacuum-sealed packaging before placing them in durable ammo cans.

This additional layer of protection prevents moisture from entering the container, leading to corrosion or primer deterioration.

Shelving and Organization

Organizing your ammunition on shelves within the garage can help save space and maintain an orderly storage space.

Invest in sturdy shelving units that can support the weight of your ammo cans or containers.

To facilitate easy access to your ammunition while ensuring proper inventory management, consider labeling shelves and containers with relevant information like caliber and purchase date.

In addition to shelves, utilizing storage bins, drawer systems, or even racks can help improve organization and accessibility.

These organization systems can either be custom-made or purchased from a store specializing in storage solutions.

Ultimately, employing a combination of airtight containers, proper organization, and monitoring of temperature and humidity levels within your garage can enable successful ammunition storage in that space.

Safety Considerations

ammo stored in a garage

Local Regulations and Laws

Before storing ammo in your garage, it is essential to familiarize yourself with local regulations and laws regarding ammunition storage.

As infrequent and ridiculous as they may be, depending on where you live, you may want to pay attention.

These laws may vary depending on your location and may impose restrictions on how and where you can store your ammunition.

It is critical to comply with these regulations to avoid legal issues and ensure the safe storage of your ammo.

You can research local laws or consult with local law enforcement for guidance.

Fire Safety Precautions

Taking fire safety precautions when storing ammo in your garage is crucial to prevent accidents and protect your property.

To minimize the risk of fire, consider the following measures:

  • Store ammunition in a cool, dry, and well-ventilated area to reduce the likelihood of combustion due to high temperatures or humidity. Avoid storing it near potential heat sources, such as heaters or electrical equipment.
  • Keep your ammo in secure containers, such as metal or plastic ammo cans, specifically designed for ammunition storage. This will help protect the ammunition from both physical damage and moisture.
  • Properly label your ammo containers, and organize them in a way that enables you to quickly and easily access them in case of emergencies.
  • Ensure that your garage has adequate fire suppression equipment, such as fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, and fire alarms.

By following local regulations and laws and taking necessary fire safety precautions, you can store your ammunition in your garage safely and responsibly.


Storing ammunition in a garage may not be the most ideal option due to factors such as temperature fluctuations, humidity, and potential exposure to moisture.

Garages are typically not built with suitable conditions for ammo storage.

Long-term exposure to heat can cause ammunition to degrade.

To ensure the longevity and reliability of your ammunition, it is crucial to store it in a cool, dry place with stable temperatures.

If you must store ammunition in a garage, taking measures to protect it from temperature extremes and moisture is essential. Some actions to consider include:

  • Using airtight containers with moisture-absorbing desiccants
  • Storing ammunition off the ground to minimize temperature fluctuations
  • Installing insulation and temperature control systems in the garage

Ultimately, when it comes to storing ammunition, it is best to prioritize safety and proper storage conditions to maintain the quality and effectiveness of your ammo.

Cody Martin

With over 18 years of federal law enforcement, training, and physical security experience, Cody focuses his time nowadays on both consulting and training. He regularly advises individuals, groups, multinational corporations, schools, houses of worship, and NGOs on security threats while conducting customized training as needed.

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