Stuff sacks have always been a great travel option for backpacking, camping, kayaking, and all-around travel. It’s easy for transporting sleeping bags, clothes, and other gear in a stuff sack allows you to compress soft goods, saving valuable space. But, one of the downsides of using stuff sacks is that you throw everything into one bag. When you need something, the laws of life mean it will be at the bottom of the bag and your dirty and clean clothes mix.
GOBI GEAR set out to make stuff sacks that fix this problem. Their stuff sacks offer internal pockets, making segmentation and organization of your gear much easier.
Let’s take a look at the amount of gear you can fit into their 18.5L Traveler series, which has external compression straps and an optional adjustable shoulder strap.
Check out how we packed it
Here is everything we fit, with a little bit of room the spare.
The complete packing list:
- GOBI GEAR SegSac Traveler 18.5L
- Bedrock Cairn Pro Sandals
- (2) Prana Ansa Shorts
- Patagonia Tropic Comfort Hoody
- Patagonia Tropic Comfort Crew
- Outdoor Research Helium HD Jacket
- Outdoor Research Helium Pants
- (3) Outdoor Research Echo Boxer Briefs
- Chaco Bottle Opener Belt
- Third Eye Headlamps TE14 Headlamp
- Howler Brothers Matagorda Shirt
- Stio Eddy Check Shirt
- Mountain Hardwear Air Tech AC Stripe Shirt
- ExOfficio Bugsaway Echo Pant
- (2) Patagonia Wavefarer Board Shorts
- Bramble Camp Towel
- Adventure Medical Kits Ultralight & Watertight .5
Next time you’re wanting to travel a bit lighter and a bit smaller, but still keep your gear organized, give a GOBI GEAR stuff sack a try.