Not only can it bring peace of mind to the owner and their family, but it could also save their lives and others if the worst-case scenario happens.
When a citizen wants to exercise their right to conceal carry in order to feel safe, it can become reasonably frustrating when it takes a substantial amount of time to acquire that permit.
There are a number of reasons you may be experiencing a longer than usual process in acquiring your concealed carry permit.
One of the biggest factors is that each state has its own process, requirements, and policies.
This article will discuss some of the common reasons you may experience a delay or lengthy process when acquiring a concealed carry permit.
Common Causes for Delay in Receiving a Concealed Carry Permit
As previously mentioned, the biggest factor in delays for concealed carry permits is the various processes that are created by state statutes.
State Law
One of the main factors comes from state law governing how long an issuing authority is granted to provide a concealed carry permit.
Some states may require your local chief of police to provide the permit, or there may be a state agency.
This entity is known as the issuing authority, and some states create requirements for them in the timelines they are required to operate in.
For example, New Hampshire requires an issuing authority to provide the permit within 14 days, unless probable cause exists to prohibit providing the permit.
However, there are also states that do not have a time limit, and thus the issuing authority can take as long as they would like.
Volume of Applications and Renewals
Another major cause for delay depends on the ebb and flow of first-time applications and renewals.
Depending on the season, or news about firearm laws, there may be an influx of applications.
Whenever a state or the federal government begins discussing any changes to firearm statutes, especially if they are restrictive, there will often be an increase in the number of people who apply for permits.
Additionally, during election season, firearm purchases and permit applications increase, regardless of who/what party is getting elected.
These large numbers can cause a significant backlog on state and federal employees who are responsible for performing background checks and paperwork reviews.
Specifically for first-time applicants, their process will often take longer than someone who is pursuing a renewal.
The issuing authority’s office will have to perform their required background checks, and also confirm any training requirements.
For example, in Massachusetts, an individual must go through a day-long training course prior to even applying for their license.
These training courses can be hard to find depending on your schedule and accessibility to the course.
If you are pursuing a renewal of your concealed carry permit, it will likely take much less time compared to a first-time applicant.
However, the process can still be delayed if you make errors or provide incorrect information on your application.
Whether it is a renewal or first-time application, you must make sure that the application is filled out in its entirety with accurate information.
Application Errors
Another cause for delay comes from errors provided on the application form.
We all make mistakes, but any typos or unintentionally inaccurate information can definitely lengthen your processing time.
A typo can be easily remedied and will add some time to the process; however, be extra attentive to accuracy when providing any information to the issuing authority’s office.
Even if it is an unintentional inaccuracy or omission, this type of error can cause either a significant delay or downright denial of your concealed carry permit.
How Long Does it Take to Get a Concealed Carry Permit in MI?

According to the State of Michigan, it will take up to 45 days to be granted or denied a concealed carry permit.
As previously described, the issuing authority can provide the license earlier than 45 days; however, the decision must be made before that 45-day timeframe has expired.
This will also be affected by any increase or decrease in applications by other individuals, and how long it takes the applicant to get fingerprinted and fill out their forms which are provided by the county clerk.
How Long Does it Take to Get a Concealed Carry Permit in AZ?
According to the State of Arizona, the issuing authority will grant or deny a license within seven days.
However, there is a substantive review process that the issuing authority goes through before actually granting the license.
Therefore, the State of Arizona suggests that it may take up to 75 days before you actually receive your concealed carry permit.
If you have not received the permit within 75 days, you are advised to contact the Concealed Weapons Permit Unit within the Department of Public Safety.
How Long Does it Take to Get a Concealed Carry Permit in TX?
According to the State of Texas, upon completion of the training course and application packet, the issuing authority will have up to 60 days to provide your license upon receiving your materials.
It takes 45 days for renewals.
If you have errors or omissions in your application packet, the additional processing time may be up to 180 days.
How Long Does it Take to Get a Concealed Carry Permit in VA?
According to the State of Virginia, the issuing authority has up to 45 days to provide a permit after receiving an application packet and its materials.
If the 45-day period has expired, the court shall inform the applicant and provide them with a certified copy of their application.
A certified copy means that the court confirms it is authentic, and it also serves as a de facto permit.
This de facto permit lasts for up to 90 days as the issuing authority works through its process to provide the official permit.
How Can You Speed Up The Process?
The most important preemptive step you can take is to make sure your application is filled out with complete accuracy and truthfulness.
Typos and omissions, intentional or otherwise, will either delay your application or cause you to be denied.
Make sure to review all parts of the application, and ensure you filled it out accurately.
If you feel your process is taking an unusual amount of time, you can reach out to the issuing authority in your state for an update on the process.
Sometimes they may tell you that your application is still being processed, or they may tell you that some items are missing or there are errors.
Bureaucracy can easily cause messages to get lost or delayed, and if there is anything you need to update in your application, you may learn this when you contact the issuing authority.
What to do if You Are Denied a Concealed Carry License?
If you are denied a license, there may be an appeal process.
This will require closely reviewing any and all paperwork provided to you by the issuing authority.
If there is an appeal process, there will also likely be a deadline by which you can exercise your right to appeal.
If the denial was caused by a simple and easily remedied error, you should promptly appeal your denial.
If the denial was more in-depth and complex, you may want to consider retaining an attorney to help you through the process.
If you were denied due to intentional falsification, there is a likelihood you will be blacklisted and unable to apply for another license in that state or neighboring jurisdictions.
Additionally, this can bring about federal firearm charges for providing false information, which is a felony.
Now that you have an idea of how long it may take to get your permit as well as how to avoid some common delays, you are well on your way.
Hopefully, you in a state where Constitutional Carry is a thing. If not, it is the time to get active.
Stay safe, be dangerous!