There are only a handful of problems duct tape can’t fix, so given its versatility, how do we carry it effectively? Let’s look at three methods to integrate duct tape into your EDC.
Category: Travel
Door locks are integral to securing any entrance, but to truly step up your home defense measures, let’s look at seven stoppers and barricades currently on the market.
The laws that govern obtaining a concealed carry permit vary from state to state. In turn, each state can have different caveats in place regarding the requirement of a class to receive such a permit.
Water is one of the most fundamental survival needs yet may of us struggle to incorporate it into our EDC. Let’s look at some of the different ways of carrying water to help keep you prepared in...
Technology is a central part of any EDC and a good set of headphones can make all the difference. Let’s break down a relatively new form of headphones to understand how they may fit into a gray...
Digital locks are becoming ever more popular for home security, but are they truly safer than traditional styles of lock core? Join us as we look into the top seven methods of bypassing digital locks.